Thursday, September 24, 2009


About Osteoarthritis

Its a degenerative joint disease which commonly affects large weight bearing joints, such as knees, ankle and hips. In this mainly degradation of joints, including articular cartilage and its subchondral bone.

Monday, September 21, 2009


In the management part first thing i want to ask you people did not restrict your movements because of pain and stiffness and did not take pain killers pills like NSID in your daily routine.

If a particular person is over weight then first of all control the weight.

In the early cases of osteoarthritis their is no need of any type of medicine. It can be controlled or cured by some exercise but does not do excessive exercise. Walking and Cycling are the best exercise but avoid running and jogging. Some Yoga and Asana are also beneficial, like Pranayam ( Anulomvilom and Kapalbhati), Vajrasana, Halasan, Suryanamashkar.

If the early case of osteoarthritis can do it regularly, he/she can be able to control their disease.

Taste Sour and Pungent things.
Curd, Spices like chills, Garm Masala, Oily, Fried, Deep fried things.
Gram, Black Gram,
Avoid any combination of milk and fruits
Fermented food products, Bakery products

Have to take:-
Milk (lukewarm), Some fruits, Salad and regular diet.


Coming soon

Sunday, September 20, 2009

sign and symtoms

Early sign of osteoarthritis are pain in particular joint, stiffness or more specific morning stiffness, muscular spasm, pain increase after long walking, jogging, running, sitting, later on their is swelling around the particular joint, pain become unbearable, disability in walking and in sitting, patients cannot sits in Indian style of toilets.

In some cases temperature of particular joint become increase and in some cases patients feels their is some air field inside the joints.

Their are some particular type of sound comes form joint called crackling noice during walking or in any joint movements its is due to reduced joint space.

Pain increases during night because of that sleep disturbed.

Big joints involve first like Knee joint most common letter on other joints like ankle etc.

As the disease progress particular joint appears larger, more stiff and painful.

How to investigate it

Most common investigation is X Ray of particular joint. In this one can asses the Joint space, Osteoporosis, Osteophytes, or any other damage in that particular joint.

If Osteoporosis present than go for serum calcium level. If its level is below normal then go for Para thyroid hormone test.

MRI of joint
C- Reactive Protine
RA Factor for Rheumatoid arthritis